Red Alder - Alnus rubra

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Order Red Alder - Alnus rubra trees online. Red Alder trees for sale. Alnus rubra saplings available for planting now.  Buy Alnus rubra seedlings for fast UK delivery.

The Red Alder is a medium-sized broad-leaf tree native to west coast of USA,growing up to about 60ft tall. Trees growing in the forest develop a slightly tapered trunk extending up to a narrow, rounded crown. Trees in the open have crowns that start near the ground giving it a broad cone shape.

The leaves on the Red Alder are bright green above and greyish underneath. They are oval-shaped, with pointed tips, and coarsely toothed edges that tend to curl under. The hair-covered veins form a ladder-like pattern. Leaves stay green until they drop off.

The current height of our Red Alder trees is approximately 30-50cm and they can be planted out all year round.

  • Plant in wet, dry & open sites
  • Likes most soil types
  • Likes coastal areas
  • Medium sized tree