Willow Trees
Willows, also known as sallows and osiers, belong to the genus Salix. They comprise of typically deciduous trees and shrubs. You’ll find willows primarily in cold and temperate regions, especially on moist soils by rivers, ponds and streams. Some have ornamental stems, attractive grey-green foliage, and wonderful catkins (known as pussy willow). In spring, male willows put on a show with pollen-laden catkins that attract early bees. Osier willows (also called basket willows) have flexible branches ideal for weaving baskets and fences.
All our Willow tree seedlings are grown here in Scotland and ready for planting now, so if you order today you could receive your saplings within 3- 5 working days! All our Willow tree seedlings can be planted either straight into the ground or potted up and grown on further before planting out. Scottish grown Willows are proven to be extremely hardy and perfect for planting anywhere in the UK.
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