Planting for Wild Ponds and Reed Beds
Planting Guide for Reed Beds & Wild Ponds
We get many enquiries from different customers and businesses who are looking to create a pond or reedbed for either increasing or helping to protect wildlife and water fowl or to create water filtration systems.
We have put together a list of trees, plants and shrubs that we would recommend for these purposes. You should seek guidance from your local council or professional advice for filtration systems.
Plants for in the pond:
- Common Reed Phragmites australis
- Reedmace (Bullrush) Typha latifolia
If your pond is already present, we advise that you plant these plants in the margins up to approx 30cm water depth and a volume of 4-6 plants per square metre. Quite quickly you will find that they multiply and spread further into and around the water.
Plants for the Marginal Areas:
- Yellow Flag Iris Iris pseudacorus
- Reed Plants Phragmites australis
- Reed Mace/Bullrush Typha latifolia
- Soft Rush Juncus effuses
- Meadow Sweet Filipendula ulmaria
Plants for the wet/marsh ground area around
the pond:
- Common Alder Alnus glutinosa
- Aspen Populus tremula
- Downy Birch Betula pubescens
- Red Berried Dogwood Cornus sanguine
- White Berried Dogwood Cornus alba
- Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicara
Varieties of Willow:
- Common Osier Salix viminalis
- Grey Willow Salix cinerea
- Pussy Willow Salix caprea
- Eared Willow Salix aurita
- Cracked Willow Salix fragilis