The best plants for evergreen hedging

The best plants for evergreen hedging

The best plants for evergreen hedging

There are many plants that can be used for evergreen hedging, depending on your preferences and growing conditions. Some of the factors to consider when choosing a hedging plant are:

 - The desired height and shape of the hedge

 - The soil type and drainage

 - The amount of sun or shade

 - The flowering or fruiting season and colour

 - The maintenance and pruning requirements

 - The wildlife value and attractiveness

Here are some examples of popular evergreen hedging plants, along with some of their characteristics:

 - Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is a fast-growing, dense and glossy hedge that can reach up to 5m (16ft) tall. It has white flowers in spring and black berries in autumn. It can tolerate most soils and aspects, but may suffer from leaf spot or shot hole diseases. It needs regular pruning to keep it in shape and prevent it from becoming too large .

 - Holly (Ilex) is a slow-growing, spiny and shiny hedge that can reach up to 4m (13ft) tall. It has red, yellow or orange berries in winter, which are attractive to birds and other wildlife. It can grow in sun or shade, and in most soils, but prefers slightly acidic conditions. It needs pruning once or twice a year, preferably in May and September .

 - Box (Buxus sempervirens) is a classic evergreen hedge that can be clipped into crisp, elegant shapes. It has small, dark green leaves and can grow up to 3m (10ft) tall. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade, but can tolerate sun and drought. It needs pruning twice a year, in late spring and late summer. It may be affected by box blight or box tree caterpillar, which can cause defoliation or death .

 - Yew (Taxus baccata) is a coniferous evergreen hedge that can grow up to 6m (20ft) tall. It has dark green needles and red berries in autumn, which are poisonous to humans but not to birds. It can grow in sun or shade, and in most soils, but dislikes waterlogging. It needs pruning once a year, in late summer or early autumn. It can be cut back hard if needed, as it will regenerate from old wood .

 These are just some of the many options for evergreen hedging plants. You can find more information and inspiration at 

I hope this helps you find the best plants for your evergreen hedging project. Happy gardening! 

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